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Cambodia Landmine Museum

The Cambodian Landmine Museum and Relief Facility is a museum located in Cambodia, south of the Banteay Srey Temple complex, 25 kilometers north of Siem Reap, and inside the Angkor National Park. Tourists began hearing stories about a young Khmer man who cleared landmines with a stick and had a house full of defused ordnance. Ra began charging a dollar to see his collection, using the money to help further his activities.

Baphuon Temple

The Baphuon is a temple at Angkor, Cambodia. It is located in Angkor Thom, northwest of the Bayon. Built in the mid-11th century, it is a three-tiered temple mountain built as the state temple of Udayadityavarman II dedicated to the Hindu God Shiva. It is the archetype of the Baphuon style. The temple adjoins the southern enclosure of the royal palace and measures 120 metres east-west by 100 metres north-south at its base and stands 34 meters tall without its tower, which would have made it roughly 50 meters tall.

Banteay Samre Temple

Banteay Samre Temple is one of the most complete complexes at Angkor due to restoration using the method of anastylosis. Unfortunately, the absence of maintenance over the past 20 years is evident. The name Samre refers to an ethnic group of mountain people, who inhabited the regions at the base of Phnom Kulen and were probably related to the Khmers. No inscription has been found for this temple,

Preah Khan Temple

Preah Khan temple is located 2 kilometers north-east of Angkor Thorn on the Grand Circuit. The temple was built in the second half of the 12th century in AD 1191 by King Jaya-varman VII, dedicating to his father Dharanindravarman. The Buddhist complex covers 56 hectares served as the nucleus of a group that includes Neak Pean and Ta Som, located 4 kilometers long Jayatataka Baray - the last of the great re¬servoirs to be built in Angkor.

Banteay Srei Temple

Banteay Srei is the most beautiful temple of Cambodia constructed with pink sandstone which has much better quality than grey sandstone used to build Angkor Wat, Bayon, Taprom and other temples. Pink sandstone is very hard that makes the carving of Banteay Srei still very exquisite although it’s more than 1000 years old.  

Ta Prohm Temple

Ta Prohm is the modern name of a temple at Angkor Wat was built during the reign of Jayavarman VII, a great king who re-conquered the Khmer empire from Cham invaders in the years 1177-1181 in the Bayon style and originally called Rajavihara.Located approximately one kilometer east of Angkor Thom and on the southern edge of the East Baray, it was founded by the Khmer King Jayavarman VII as a Mahayana Buddhist monastery and university.

Bayon Temple

Angkor Thom means "the great city" in Khmer. The 12th-century royal Buddhist city is especially famed for its grand Bayon Temple, but has several other sights of interest as well. The mighty stone faces of the Bayon, the moated shrine of Angkor Wat and the great walled city of Angkor Thom all still bear witness to the magnificence of what was once the mightiest empire in Southeast Asia.

Angkor Wat Temple

Angkor, the great medieval city located near the Tonlé Sap (the "Great Lake") in northwestern Cambodia, was abandoned by Khmer rulers in the fifteenth century in an effort to find a capital that could be more easily defended against the expansionistic Thais. In the ensuing centuring - called the first "dark age" of Khmer history (the second being that instituted by the Khmer Rouge under Pol pot) - Angkor become a ruin,

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